简介:Series about an ex-con-turned-private-investigator named Jim Rockford who would rather run away than fight and would rather go fishing than work. He isn't a coward, and he isn't lazy--just a bit on the cautious side, that's all. And he bear
主演:Brian Duffy 理查德·阿滕伯勒 David Bailey Angie Bowie Linda Brusasco David Bowie Pat Carter Terence Donovan Chris Duffy Philippe Garner David Hillman Allen Jones Patricia Mary Jones Jill Kennington
简介:The story of his life and work is documented in a BBC documentary shown in January 2010 titled The Man Who Shot the 60's.
简介:A darkly comic look at a group of self-absorbed, twenty-something New Yorkers grappling with personal crises on New Year's Eve 1999, this film provokes discussions about the very meaning of the new millennium, adding a dose of ironic, self-referentia
简介:一望无际的西部荒原上,走来了歌声不断的商队。在商队的第一辆车上,坐着米奇(沃尔特·迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)和他的女朋友米妮(玛西丽特·加纳 Marcellite Garner配音),他们在谈论恐怖的印第安人,米奇自然表现出勇猛的气概,决然不怕任何危险。在不远处的悬崖上,印第安人的哨兵发现了商队,他飞奔回到营地,向伙伴们通报了这一消息,族人们于是起身,围着篝火跳起仪式般的庆祝舞蹈。另一边,商队的人们也在晚间围坐在一起,弹琴唱歌,欢快无比,俄而一名老人也唱起忧伤的歌曲,令闻者伤心落泪。就在这
简介:又是一个晴朗明媚的早晨,米奇(沃尔特·迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)正在爱犬布鲁托的协助下剪除花园中的杂草。另一边,米妮(玛西丽特·加纳 Marcellite Garner配音)也哼唱欢快的歌曲,为花园中的花草施以甘露。米奇看到米妮自然格外高兴,他不断在心上人的面前展示自己各种特技,却也因此错误百出,丑态毕露。一只歌唱的小鸟来到米妮的院子里,唱着动听的歌曲。米妮为这歌声吸引,几乎忘记了米奇的存在。米奇毫不气馁,他偷偷钻进了米妮家中的鸟窝,用手扮作小鸟,吹响了另一段欢快的曲调。贪婪的黑猫将米奇看