简介:Story of Kadakkal Chandran, the Chief Minister of Kerala whose uncompromising attitude towards corruption and his dictatorial actions has gained him a lot of enemies. The events gets more intense when he faces an allegation.
简介:Chandni (Urmila Matondkar), a lower class talented night club singer and dancer, who happens to be religious, and well mannered, lives an unfortunate life with her three aunts, who dominate her life, and with a weak maternal grandmother. She dances for a
主演:Robert Donavan Michael Stark Alena Novotna Gerald Brodin Nikol W. Kristin Novak Jack Plante Steven Man Patty Lema Brendan Connor Ed Brigadier 詹姆斯·奎因 Shaun Kurtz 迈克尔·斯万 Robert Heap Kia Winston Michi Moon 桑德拉·德·马尔科
简介:Fun, spoofy, and unabashedly low-budget, ALIENS GONE WILD is another fun collection of extraterrestrial mayhem from Full Moon Features, with more than three hours' worth of footage of aliens wreaking havoc--and mankind making a bold last stand.From
主演:Angela Sarafyan Jaime Zevallos Sean Nateghi Daniel C. Michelle Gracie Tobi Gadison Michael Elian Emerald Robinson Cara Picton Angelique Scarpelli
简介:A womanizing yet lovable loser, Charlie, a waiter in his early 30's who dreams of selling his book entitled "7 STEPS OF HEALING THE MALE BROKEN HEART" finds himself still working in restaurants to survive in the Big Apple. Low on cash, he
主演:Joseph Adelakun Kristin Atherton James Corrigan Patrick Drury Waleed Elgadi Martin Hutson Tom Lorcan Hannah Morrish Anthony Ofoegbu Lucy Phelps Jon Tarcy Alex Waldman Marcello Walton Andrew Woodall
简介:Angus Jackson directs Shakespeare’s epic political tragedy, as the race to claim Rome spirals out of control.Caesar returns from war, an all-conquering hero, but mutiny is rumbling through the corridors of power. As the politics of spin and betrayal turn
主演:Josette Simon Andrew Woodall Patrick Drury Antony Byrne Marcello Walton Waleed Elgadi James Corrigan Kristin Atherton Jon Tarcy Anthony Ofoegbu William Bliss Joseph Adelakun
简介:舞台剧改编自文学巨匠莎士比亚的同名剧本。安东尼(瓦利德·埃尔加迪 Waleed Elgadi 饰)因沉迷于埃及女王克莉奥佩特拉(约瑟特·西蒙 Josette Simon 饰)的美色而无暇于国家大事,整日里都过着醉生梦死的生活。因为安东尼的疏于朝政,罗马遭到了多方的侵略,其中包括庞贝的背叛和帕提亚人的入侵,不仅如此,安东尼的妻子还因他而死。这一连串的打击让安东尼清醒了过来,返回了罗马。为了巩固朝政,安东尼答应迎娶屋大维的妹妹,这让克莉奥佩特拉伤透了心。待一切平息之后,安东尼火急火燎的回到了克莉奥佩特拉的
简介:一次偶然中,奈德(李·佩斯 Lee Pace 饰)发现了自己的特异功能,他拥有神奇的手指,对于同一个人来说,他的第一次触碰能够令其起死回生,而第二次触碰则意味着死亡。与此同时,一个人的复活如果超过了一分钟,那么就需要另一个无辜者的生命作为交换。长大后的奈德将这个秘密藏在心底成为了一名糕点师,可是世上没有不透风的墙,他的秘密还是被一名警察知道了,就这样,奈德成为了协助警察破案的得力助手。一场谋杀夺走了一位名为恰克(安娜·弗莱尔 Anna Friel 饰)的女孩的生命,这个恰克不是别人,正是奈德的青梅竹马。
简介:故事发生在维多利亚时代的英格兰,爱丽丝(苏菲·露 Sophie Lowe 饰)是一位喜爱幻想的少女,在她的故事中,存在着一个奇境王国,那里有邪恶的女巫、神奇的魔法、闻所未闻的物种和温柔英俊的王子。当然,并没有人相信爱丽丝所言,他们以为这个可怜的少女因为沉迷于幻想而濒临疯狂的边缘,于是想尽了一切办法企图让她忘掉这一切。然而,突然降临的红心杰克(迈克尔·索恰 Michael Socha 饰)和兔子先生(约翰·利特高 John Lithgow 饰)证明了爱丽丝所言不虚,而那位英俊的王子科鲁兹(皮特·加蒂奥特