主演:William Thorne Jane Higginson 米基·鲁尼 克林特·霍华德 Van Quattro Tracy Fraim 尼丝·亨特 Conan Yuzna 布莱恩·布里莫 Gerry Black Thornton Simmons Catherine Schreiber Zoe Yuzna Jennifer Pusheck Billy Oscar
简介:A young boy sees his father killed by a toy that was anonymously delivered to his house. After that, he is too traumatized to speak, and his mother must deal with both him and the loss of her husband. Meanwhile, a toy maker named Joe Peto builds some susp
主演:Efraim Zuroff Edeltraut Aschner Milivoj Asner Isobel Charman Jana Gretschel Ursula Haverbeck Beatrix Klukon Sándor Képíró
简介:他们是二十世纪最恶劣的战犯。在他们死前将其绳之以法的最后努力已经开始。第一眼看上去这些人无非是一些八九十岁的老头儿,但他们是代表世上最残暴政权的在逃通缉犯。他们是最后遗留的纳粹,寻找他们的行动代码“最后行动机会”(Operation Last Chance)正说明了这一点。在纽伦堡审批将第一批希特勒的追随者推上被告席的六十年后,西蒙威森索中心发布了仍然在逃的纳粹战犯名单。将他们绳之以法的斗争已经变得复杂,混杂着政治上的漠然,法律界的争议,回避,和对那些满面沧桑的暮年老人的“错位同情”。“他们老了,人们