主演:EthanEmbry Lisa Sheridan Karim Prince Lizette Carrion Dennis Christopher
简介:A guy finds out that his supposedly dead brother isn't dead after all when he sees him on the Internet. FreakyLinks is all about his spooky adventures in finding the truth.
主演:Jonah Anderson Maureen Andronis Aimée Binford 迈克·布雷克菲尔德 Paul Cosca Ashley Del Valle Danny Diess Adam Dunlap Alysse Fozmark Erin Hagen Embry Johnson Jordan Kelley Stephanie Leet 马特·洛 Tristan David Luciotti
简介:Alex (Alex Magaña) and Matt (Matt Lowe) are best friends who are complete opposites. Alex is responsible, in-shape and lonely. Matt is immature, overweight and smothered. Secretly, they envy each other's lives and after a strange encounter with a mag
简介:大卫(Luke Wilson 饰)与艾米(Kate Beckinsale 饰)是一对刚经历了丧子之痛的夫妻,为了纪念他们即将分解的婚姻,两人驾车行驶在茫茫夜色中,进行他们最后的分手旅行。为抄近路,大卫拐入了一条荒僻小路,然而行驶不久车子即宣告故障,一位子夜时分仍未眠去的年轻人出现帮助了他们,但问题仍未解决。大卫与艾米不得不步行到一家汽车旅馆休息。旅馆内空无一人,值班室内传出令人毛骨悚然的尖叫声,值班员大咧咧的关闭了电视录像,将两人安排在一间拐角的房间,房间设施陈旧肮脏,大卫在翻看电视柜内遗留的录像带时发