简介:The deterioration of a small community in Fogo Island is forcing its inhabitants to leave and resettle. Places once occupied by humans are now becoming part of the tundra landscape. In spite of a condemn future, there are some residents who decide to rema
简介:After an accident Lilly grows up alone with her father and his friend in a town in Germany and without a mother. When she first discovers sexuality she went pregnant. Her father is going to jail after killing the suspected boyfriend, his friend travels wi
简介:Eine sechsköpfige Gruppe Jugendlicher fährt aufs Land, um einen letzten gemeinsamen Kurzurlaub zu verbringen. Dabei wissen viele der 6 nicht, warum sie eigentlich mitfahren.Strecker ist der sadistische und großmäulige Anführer, Jasmin seine Ex, die ihn v
简介:a horror short made by indie filmmaker Jay Cheel, presented by website WWW.FILMJUNK.COMhttp://vimeo.com/5859249film junk网站的独立电影人Jay Cheel花了九百刀拍出来的恐怖短片,向twilight zone, 天外魔花,坏品味,卡彭特,giallo,通心粉等大杂烩的致敬喜欢的话建议看看他去年拍的伪纪录片The Goblin Man of Norwayhttp://www.do