简介:Anna regresa de África, donde ha trabajado dos años como cooperante en una ONG, y ahora trabaja como guardia de seguridad en un exclusivo centro de salud a las afueras de Barcelona. Al romper con su marido e irse de casa, un compañero de trabajo le deja u
主演:Kofi Ghanaba Oyafunmike Ogunlano Alexandra Duah Nick Medley Mutabaruka 阿非莫·奥米拉 Reggie Carter Mzuri Jimmy Lee Savage Hasinatu Camara Jim Faircloth Stanley Michelson John A. Mason Louise Reid Roger Doctor
简介:From the New York Times review:"In "Sankofa," a contemporary African-American woman travels back in time and experiences slavery. Haile Gerima's poetic and precisely detailed film takes its audience into its heroine's life and mi
简介:西恩(汉娜·曼根·劳伦斯 Hanna Mangan Lawrence 饰)是一名十七岁的妙龄少女,她整日游走于大街小巷,希望能够依靠出卖肉体来获得微薄的收入。西恩的收费十分低廉,而她的客人则五花八门,不乏低级下流之人,往往提出令西恩无法接受的要求,让西恩感到十分困扰。 不仅如此,西恩的同行众多, 在底层生活的经历令她们各个如狼似虎,对年轻漂亮的西恩排挤之而不及,让西恩无处安身。某日,周身疲惫走投无路的西恩结识了名为霍利的女子,霍利是一名高级妓女,和西恩不同,她常常出没的,是富丽堂皇的高级酒店或某个有钱人家
简介:It starts off seriously enough, with three thugs robbing an innocent young woman at night in the city, but then switches to Vin Saxon and Carolyn Brandt doing a goofy Elvis-like rock ‘n roll number (very charming though). The next day the thugs are bored.
主演:梅尔·费勒 玛加莉·诺埃尔 彼得·范·埃克 让·德赛利 Franz Muxeneder 保罗·穆勒 伊妲·伽利 玛丽亚·米琪 米夏埃尔·欣茨 André Jocelyn Diego Carlisi Marijan Lovric 布兰科·普莱沙 Mira Sardoc Peter Neusser Sasa Miklavc Janez Vrhovec Stane Potokar Metka Bucar 南特·切西罗 Vida Juvan Angelca Hlebce Mila Kacic
简介:A partisan battalion who was surrounded from all sides brings up decision to enter the city, so that the fighters could rest and recover. Due to fear of one of the partisans, the enemy discovers their plan, but fails to sabotage it.