简介:Over the course of a day, a married couple, Mary and James Tyrone, and their two sons, Jamie and Edmund, grapple with Mary's morphine addiction and confront each other over the past in a series of emotionally tense and volatile exchanges.
主演:西尔维斯特·史泰龙 斯科特·伊斯特伍德 薇拉·菲茨杰拉德 麦克·柯尔特 D·W·莫菲特 Anton Narinskiy 伊斯·巴尔韦德 Joel Cohen La Monde Byrd Patrick Millin 莱斯利·艾米特 Bret Aaron Knower Beau Bommarito Kevin W. Shiveley John W. Harden John E. Brownlee Derek Polen
简介:The queer erotic horror-comedy A CLOSER WALK WITH THEE follows Jordan, a young Christian missionary who gets caught watching his handsome pastor Eli in the shower. The house church ostracizes him until Eli (who happens to be a fledgling exorcist) suggests
简介:路易斯(梅格·瑞恩 Meg Ryan 饰)是一名出色的律师,为了能给刚从芝加哥归来的老公伊恩(蒂莫西·赫顿 Timothy Hutton 饰)一个惊喜,她提前一天回到位于小镇的家里。看着满地的散落的玫瑰花瓣,路易斯欣喜万分,本以为是丈夫给自己的小惊喜,却发现自己成了丈夫和小三(克里斯汀·贝尔 Kristen Bell 饰)私奔的绊脚石。路易斯并没有打算轻易放手,因为她坚信丈夫仍然深爱着自己。在失手将丈夫伊恩打昏之后,路易斯“绑架”了丈夫。路易斯首先稳住找上门来的小三,接着对丈夫展开了“软硬兼施”攻略。然而
简介:年轻有钱又置身于意大利的艳阳下,这是汤姆·瑞普利(马特·达蒙 Matt Damon 饰)所渴望的生活,却是迪基·格林利(裘德·洛 Jude Law 饰)早已拥有的东西。瑞普利是个出身平凡,生活也毫无值得炫耀的年轻人,他受到一个富商之托,到意大利去游说他浪荡不羁的儿子迪基,重回他的家乡美国。但是当瑞普利一到那里,就深深地被迪基的生活形态所迷惑:美丽的别墅、高级浮华的度假饭店、一掷千金的奢靡生活,以及他美丽温柔的女友,都令他羡慕不已。由于瑞普利一心觊觎迪基的生活,最后这样的欲望竟扩张成想要将迪基取而代之,
主演:玛戈特·芳婷 鲁道夫·努里耶夫 戴维·布莱尔 Desmond Doyle Julia Farron Michael Somes Anthony Dowell Derek Rencher Leslie Edwards Georgina Parkinson Gerd Larsen Ronald Hynd Christopher Newton Betty Kavanagh Deanne Bergsma Ann Jenner Monica Mason Keith Rosson
简介:Two teenagers fall in love, but their feuding moxia.cc families and fate itself cause the relationship to end in tragedy.
简介:On a cold dark night a mysterious blonde girl is seen running around in the woods. It's Elisabeth (Brigitte Lahaie), who has escaped from a high-rise prison, where people are kept who have been contaminated by an environmental accident. Their thought