主演:Gina Janssen Dagobert Walter Claus Richt Dorle Buchner
简介:This is in all but name yet another remake of 'Kohlhiesels Töchter' - albeit as a (soft) sex film. It was probably inevitable that Hanns Kräly's comedy play of the two o-so-different twin girls would eventually be exploited for soft porn pu
简介:In 1968, Silvio Amadio directed L'isola delle svedesi (Island of the Swedes) (1969), the story which bordered on the dramatic and erotic genre about two lesbian women and the arrival of a third party in their menage, a young boy, which leads to tragi
主演:James Achille Chris Boudreaux Eric DAgostino Paris Dylan Forrest Kiyoshi Hoffman
简介:熱爆全球網劇《光復三溫暖》登上大銀幕,拍成電影版爆笑登場,更長、更大、更濕、更大汗,瘋狂抵死,笑到出水。超過210集網劇、全球5200萬點擊率,人氣爆登的網紅系列拍成電影版,讓觀眾重拾久違了的美式同志爆笑喜劇趣味。化妝界女皇和助手誓要找到青春之泉,卻發現泉源來自一間健身室的地下,為了得到青春秘方的泉水,女皇派助手深入濕蒸房調查,更想盡辦法令健身室倒閉,侵吞優質地段。一班常客只好披甲上陣,捍衛使用這間健身室濕蒸的權利。導演JC Calciano前作《Is it just me》、《eCupid》和《The
简介:Hasan得知有人要在他的耕田上安装电塔,他动用手段避免这一切发生。在出发去麦加朝圣之前,他向妻子保证弥补过去的错误。 Making his living from gardening and farming in the land he inherited from his father, Hasan tries to get rid of the power pol
主演:Dagoberto Rodríguez David Silva Pascual García Peña
简介:一部超经典的墨西哥B-CULT片!!!超搞笑堪比ED伍德的那部牛作。。。Mexican classic cult film consists of a series of three episodes about a masked cowboy who must face dangers such as a vampire and the Headless Horseman. A masked Zorro-like character travels the West, battling monster