主演:伊万·扬科夫斯基 Eldar Kalimulin 米拉·厄肖娃 尤利娅·马尔琴科 Serafima Krasnikova Olga Lapshina 丹尼尔·斯特克洛夫 Darya Saveleva 维塔利·科瓦连科 Vasiliy Brichenko 瓦迪姆·斯克维尔斯基 Dmitriy Sutyrin Sergey Dyakov Evgeniy Kosyrev 奥列格·阿尔马佐夫 Karina Alexandrova Anton Pakhomov Leonid Telezhinskiy Nikolay
简介:改编自丹尼斯·德拉贡斯基的小说 «Дочь военного пенсионера»。 上世纪90年代中期,当死刑仍被允许使用时,一位新员工加入了一所特殊监狱。和他的同事们一样,科斯佳也要执行死刑。但他对正义有着特殊的看法。在会见了一名受害者的父亲后,科斯佳意识到只有亲人才有权利执行惩罚。此外,还能从中捞一大笔。我们的主人公做梦也想不到,一个母亲会为了杀死强奸她女儿的罪
主演:Eric Berger Tim Blough Andrew Jacob Brown James Chick Brook Hogan Jonathan Holbrook Emily Hyde Jack Vanover Benjamin Watts Matthew Woodman
简介:When a paranormal social media influencer winds up dead, a USFS ranger must pull himself out of mourning to grapple with the reality of the fact that Bigfoot might actually exist, and be responsible for a string of unusual deaths in his small town.
简介:The film is about three old friends, who come back to their favourite place from childhood. Their perspectives on life have changed and they have struggled through a lot, but in their heart they are still the same people they were at 5-years old.