简介:There is a beast in the fog. A hungry thing with claws and wings, that stalks unseen, that destroys everything and everyone it pulls in. But now it's been stopped, at an old cabin in ancient woods, and four strangers, each desperate to remain alive,
简介:"The Eye Creatures" is based on the slightly less ridiculous 1957 movie "Invasion of the Saucer Men," and is less an homage as an exact carbon copy, reproducing basically the same characters, scenes and lines, only worse. The one chanc
简介:A woman seeks revenge on the diamond smugglers who raped her and murdered her husband.This film has two outstanding elements, though, that make it mandatory viewing for fans of Cynthia Rothrock: herself, playing her character to the hilt, despite she
主演:Cynthia Loemy Sarah Ludi Anne Mousselet Samantha Van wissen
简介:Thierry De Mey filmed Rosas danst Rosas in the former technical school of architect Henry Van de Velde in Leuven. The film version is much shorter than the show itself. In his film Thierry De Mey opts for a heavily ‘inter-cut’ version in which, apart from
简介:在繁华的东京一隅,坐落着名为Coin de Rue的洋果子店,从主厨到下属员工都尽心尽力做出美味的点心奉献给慕名前来的食客。这一日,单纯直率的女孩臼场夏目从遥远的鹿儿岛来到东京,寻找立志成为著名糕点师傅的男友海千寻。然而阿海并不在其信上所说的街角洋果子店,失望的夏目请求留在店里帮工,但她糟糕的蛋糕制作技术却遭到同事们十分挑剔的指摘。不过夏目毫不气馁,以执着的韧劲开始了她在东京修业之旅。