简介:A mature, intelligent high school student has a side job arranging "accidental" deaths of fellow students' parents. A cop detective notices this student being connected to all the kids of dead parents. Who wins the face-off?
简介:Get a behind the scenes look at the high-powered and fast-paced world of fashion PR when Bravo debuts its newest series "Kell on Earth", featuring public relations guru Kelly Cutrone.Cutrone has been called one of the "coolest, most intimi
主演:Tyra Banks Kelly Cutrone Rob Evans Johnny Wujek Bryan Boy
简介:《全美超模大赛》(America"s Next Top Model,简称ANTM)是近来最热的一套以模特选举为题材的真人秀节目。选手将从美国不同地方和阶层、年龄介于18至25岁的参赛者中选取,经过筛选后,她们将接受对行时装天桥、密集式体能训练、硬照拍摄和宣传技巧等各方面进行测试,并接受二十四小时的严密监察,每集均有几名固定或客席嘉宾评判参与评审工作;每周淘汰一名参赛者,适者生存,直到顺利进入最后阶段。众位参赛者将为竞得超模候选人的头衔而不断努力改造自己,为自己的模特生涯铺路。
简介:A transwoman mechanic lives between running her family's auto shop during the day and expressing her femininity at night, until an unforeseen event threatens the balance of her compartmentalized life.
简介:Scab Vendor is the feature film about the life of Jonathan Shaw, a legend in the tattoo industry and underground art community. The filmmakers tell the personal story of a highly influential artist and traveller, who lived a life of filmmaking on the edge