简介:It's a new day for the Halifax Highlanders. A pro lockout has reunited old teammates and brought a crew of new players to the bench; notably missing from the line-up, however, is everyone's favourite enforcer and heart of the team, Doug "Th
简介:A virus is always an unwanted guest. Yet, if it arrives, you better make room for it. Consumed by the guilt, Miguel (Alejandría Cinque) was doing his best to keep Evaristo (Cachorro Lozano) safe and apart of the tension, but he knew he couldn’t hide it an
简介:本片根据法国著名作家莫伯桑的小说改编。乔治(约翰内斯·希斯特 Johannes Heesters 饰)本是一个郁郁不得志的退伍大兵,在昔日战友的帮助之下,他得到了进入《法兰西生活报》工作的机会,就这样,乔治成为了报社的一名编辑。乔治其他方面都很平庸,唯独拥有一张漂亮的脸蛋,利用自己的这一长处,乔治开始游走于达官贵妇之间,巧舌如簧左右逢源,踩在这些女人的肩膀上,乔治步步高升,而当他不再需要她们的帮助后,乔治总是选择残忍而无情的抛弃这些女人们。乔治将自己的终极目标放在了报社老板的女儿苏珊(玛丽·埃玛 Mar
主演:Jane Eaglen Ben Heppner Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus Rene Pape Katarina Dalayman Hans-Joachim Ketelsen Brian Davis Mark Schowalter James Courtney Anthony Dean Griffey James Levin