简介:BoBo(詹姆斯•沃克 James Wolk 饰)患有先天性的妥瑞氏症,这种严重的痉挛疾病,导致他无法控制地扭动脖子和发出奇怪的声音。而这种怪异的行为,更是让他从小不被周围的人理解,在学校里老师经常批评他,同学们更是对他冷嘲热讽,就连他的父亲也对他失望透顶。只有他的母亲一直是他的坚实臂弯,母亲的坚持与鼓励,让他能够在正常人的生活里艰难前行。然而面对这个不能理解他的世界,BoBo一直在痛苦的漩涡里挣扎。直到在一次全校大会上校长在众人面前巧妙的让大家了解了BoBo的真实情况,让他有了成为一名关爱学生的教师的坚
简介:PhotographerCharlie Hamilton James and his conservationist wife, Philippa Forrester, together with their three young children spend a year observing and conserving the wild life in and around the river at the bottom of their garden. Charlie wants to show
主演:Jan Kiepura Brigitte Helm Walter Janssen Gertrude Berliner Francesco Maldacea Georg Alexander Charlie Roellinghoff Teddy Bill Martin Kosleck Henry Bender Ernst Senesch
简介:"Die singende Stadt" was Brigitte Helm's first talkie. It also features the famous polish tenor Jan Kiepura. At that time he was the main attraction because of his beautiful voice. He was admired as the new "Caruso". Brigitte Helm
主演:克劳迪娅·卡万 凯瑟琳·麦克克莱门茨 Alexander Petersons Mark Hembrow Sally McKenzie 安东尼·费伦 Iain Gardiner Gennifer Flowers Malcolm Cork Charlie Barry Peter Grose Craig Cronin Alex Sweetman Anthony Heffeman 亚采克·科曼 Christopher Betts Suzie MacKenzie David Wildman Michael Adam