主演:Harry Hains Michael Redford Carney Kyle Patrick Darling
简介:埃文(哈利·海因斯 Harry Hains 饰)从小就失去了父母,在孤儿院长大的他经历了在无数个家庭里寄样的悲惨命运,这段生活让他渐渐丧失了对于正常家庭生活的认知,个性也变得冷淡而又默然。在男友克里斯的帮助之下,埃文考上了大学,开始深造,可即便如此,在埃文和克里斯之间,依然矗立着一面看不见摸不着,但是非常冰冷的玻璃墙。在大学学习期间,埃文终于找到自己的爱好,那就是拍电影,于义卖活动中无意间淘到的古董摄像机,承载起了埃文全部的精神生活。渐渐地,操作复杂的古董摄像机无法满足埃文的拍摄欲望了,他开始想要得到更
简介:Far into the future after the world has brought about the apocalypse what remains of humanity has split into two warring tribes - the Plaebian and the Huron. Human kind's ambitions are not wealth or prosperity, but merely survival. The Huron tribe ha
简介:In a rural mountain town, an unstable drug addict must unravel a surreal murder mystery as he's terrorized by malevolent ghosts, a deranged sheriff, and the frightening hallucinations from his withdrawal.
简介:Prehistoric sand-dwelling sharks are unleashed on the island of White Sands when an underwater earthquake cracks open a crater deep beneath the ocean surface. The most menacing beats to ever rule the waters now rule the sand; with their monster appetities
主演:Tom Waits Michael L. Blair Ralph Carney Greg Cohen Marc Ribot Willie Schwarz
简介:Bringing his unique sense of humor to this bizarre and original piece of moviemaking, Tom Waits takes the audience through a musical journey with his jazzy, quirky, bluesy tunes presented as you would never, ever, ever expect.