简介:In this documentary, director Martin Witz tells the story of the friendship and collaboration between Michael Jary and the homosexual songwriter Bruno Balz. In the roaring twenties and then during the Nazi era, the two produced many hits for escapist musi
简介:托尼奖获奖百老汇音乐剧《来自远方》将被改编成电影,The Mark Gordon Company投资制片,原作者、词曲家Irene Sankoff和David Hein将编写剧本,剧版导演克里斯托弗·阿什利也确定执导影片。设定在9·11事件之后,38架飞机意外迫降加拿大纽芬兰与拉布拉多省的小镇Gander,7000名旅客滞留。在被迫停飞的处境下,小镇的居民热情地欢迎并接纳了所有旅客,他们的慷慨善良与恐怖袭击形成了鲜明的对比。文化相互碰撞,人们情绪高涨,不安感转变为信任,音乐响彻深夜,感激最终形成了长久的友
主演:Robin Williams Peter OToole Rick Moranis Jimmy Cliff Eugene Levy Adolph Caesar Twiggy Andrea Martin
简介:Injured while risking his life to save an angry German shepard, Chicago Firefighter Jack Moniker retires and moves to a small carribean island named St. Nicholas. There, he is befriended by the owner of a run-down resort, Ernest Reed. Greedy developers ar
主演:Olivier Bureau Céline Berti Micael Collart Jérôme Thevenet Nathalie Van Tongolen Sébastien Ventura
简介:Cédric Dupuis, a fledgling independent filmmaker, has set out to make the most terrifying horror film of all time. But shooting without any budget to speak of and a cast of his friends, Cédric soon realizes the frustration of indie film-making. The only w
简介:The fictional encounter in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (in the 30s) between popular songwriter Lamartine Babo and inconoclast poet and playwright Oswald de Andrade.