简介:智利圣地亚哥大学的一群学生的自拍故事片,60分钟长,彩色,全DV拍摄。http://www.civilcinema.cl/critica.cgi?c=252Kai es un danés. Cámara en mano, él recorre las calles de Santiago de Chile para realizar un cortometraje. En sus azarosas pesquisas audiovisuales, este viajero conoce a una m
简介:Maca , 30 years old and clumsy by nature, makes the most of life and strives to be happy. Maca's talent is wasted working as an assistant for an oppressive and terrifying fashion influencer and she spends her time with guys with whom she never manage
简介:故事发生在秘鲁,驻扎在这里的士兵们因为空虚寂寞,常常犯下惨绝人寰的强奸罪行,在当地引起了极大的舆论谴责和不满。为了安抚军心和民心,潘达雷昂上尉(萨尔瓦多·德·索拉 Salvador del Solar) 饰被派往那里解决问题,而解决问题的方法,竟然是在当地建立军中流动妓院,让士兵们压抑的欲望有一个安全而又合理的地方发泄。潘达雷昂上尉的努力很快就收获了成效,他的做所作为在军中获得了一片叫好之声,然而,随着真相的暴露,社会上一片哗然,纷纷谴责这有失道德的行为。随军的神甫更是因为这件事情愤然辞职,而从前众人追
简介:A man studying to be a writer learns some unpleasant lessons about himself in this drama. Alfonso (Giovanni Ciccia) is an aspiring novelist who, as part of his scholarship to a writing program, must take an internship at a tabloid newspaper alongside his