简介:Judge Gwen Warwick becomes involved in the murder trial she has been assigned. Her marriage is on the rocks and the murder victim is an old friend, who rumour has it, had an affair with her.
简介:Frances Collins has been married five years and isn't yet at ease with her married name. She packs a suitcase and heads for work. Rather than return home, at night she changes clothes in the company washroom, and goes to bars looking for a man in who
简介:In this contemporary retelling of the Cinderella story, a feisty 18-year-old Italian-American New Yorker named Cindy is sent off moxia.cc to Rome with her irascible stepmother and vain stepsisters. On the way, she meets, and falls in love with, globetrott
简介:The film opens near a subway terminal from which Buster Keaton emerges. He finds people gambling in a house with lots of money. He tries to scare them with the cutout of a poster with a man holding gun. He puts the cutout at the window and says, "
简介:故事发生在20世纪80年代初期,种族隔离政策在南非掀起了狂风暴雨般的波澜。帕特里克(德瑞克·卢克 Derek Luke 饰)是炼油厂的领班,他和妻子普利西斯结婚多年,共同养育着两个可爱的小女儿,生活过得十分幸福美满。日益严重的种族歧视让当地的黑人们群情激奋,他们将这种愤怒通过暴力和破坏的手段发泄了出来。炼油厂发生了爆炸,身为负责人的帕特里克被警方逮捕,尽管没有确切的证据证明帕特里克就是主使,但仅仅因为他的肤色,帕特里克在警局里便遭到了非人的待遇,不仅如此,他的妻子也被牵连其中。出狱后的帕特里克对现实感到
主演:Bonnie Raitt Jimmie Vaughan BB·金 Buddy Guy 埃里克·克莱普顿 Robert Cray Dr. John Art Neville
简介:转自http://www.verycd.com/topics/57263/2009.5.26世上有一种人,他在茫茫人海中或许显得不怎么突出,然而当他若是拿起乐器开始弹奏,霎时间,整个周遭的人都会停下来听他演奏。而倘若有机会听到德州吉他之神——Stevie Ray Vaughan的琴音,你会立刻知道他就是属于这种光芒乍现的人,让你听过一次就魂牵梦萦,难以忘怀这世上竟曾经出现如此美妙的音乐。在SRV的演奏下BLUES成了一种狂热的音乐,具有洋溢的热情,和欢快的节奏让人兴奋。。SRV于1990/8/27飞
主演:John Stamos Eric Dane Bonnie Somerville Sean Maher
简介:州长的女儿玛姬(邦妮·萨摩维莉Bonnie Somerville 饰)和秘书本(埃里克·迪恩 Eric Dane 饰)的婚礼在即,为了给竞选造势,两人决定将婚礼大办一场。玛姬提议将婚礼的事宜交给本的弟弟谢尔(约翰·斯塔莫斯 John Stamos 饰)操办,本十分犹豫,因为谢尔是一名同性恋,他们之间的关系因此而冷淡多年。对于玛姬的建议,谢尔也十分为难,在男友泰德(肖恩·马希尔 Sean Maher 饰)的支持下,他答应了。以婚礼为契机,兄弟之间的坚冰逐渐融化,两人都为此感到欢欣鼓舞,但事情没有到此为止