简介:Follows Jack Marlin, a private detective as he works on a new case. He has to help a pop star find her mother who committed suicide twenty years earlier.
简介:Totally disgusting and cheap bawdy humor. I loved it!!! It is the most disgusting and totally horribly acted film, except for Nicolas Read, who plays an un-dead Court Jester, to comic brilliance. But being that as it may, I laughed so many times and I hav
简介:再过数周就要结婚的25岁非洲裔美国男孩Tate Bradley,在他生日的前一天,企图自杀。受尽煎熬后,他活了下来,但从他的举动中,明显可以看出“有某种东西在杀死他”。问题是:那东西是什么?Tate试图把自己关在公寓里以远离世界。让他诧异的是,在他坎坷生命中的重要角色,一个接一个的前来探望他。随着这些来访者的到来,逐步的揭示出每个家庭成员、朋友和敌人在Tate的自杀中起到的作用——迫使Tate开始面对自己的心魔。这部好评如潮的独立电影获得了2008年 5个电影节(Arizona Black Film S