主演:阮春智 Xuan Son Do 黄明煌 Richard Hamilton Humphrey Thanh Tuan Phan Huynh Hong Long Lê Chí Bình Nguyen Minh Châu Nguyen Thanh Bang Nguyen Thanh Thuy Nguyen Thành Phúc Nguyen Thành Trung Nguyen Tran Châu Nguyen Tuan Anh Nguyen Baggio Saetti Nguyen Thi Phuong Tha
简介:《极速前进越南版》(英语:The Amazing Race Vietnam,越语: Cuộc đua kỳ thú)是一个以美国真人秀节目《极速前进》为蓝本的越南版本。已有4季,S1为素人季,S2与S3为明星季(Celebrity Edition),S4为明星VS 素人季(Celebrity vs. TAR Fans Edition)节目内容为多队由两位本身有关系的越南人所组成的参赛队伍,游历越南及周边国家,并完成不同任务之淘 汰赛,以争夺最终冠军之奖金3亿越南盾。
简介:1994年巴西获得世界杯冠军后所拍摄的一部足球纪录片,虽然我不是巴西队的球迷,但还是能从片中感受到巴西人对足球运动的热爱。A sensational film, but for who loves the soccer only. That sporting documentary, tell the history of the World Cup of Soccer of 1994, in the USA, gained by Brazil. With beautiful images of the