简介:Dido and Aeneas的故事情节取自古罗马诗人维吉尔的长诗,以非洲迦太基传说的爱情故事为背景─迦太基女王狄多(Dido),和特洛伊王子阿尼亚斯(Aeneas)之间产生了一段异国恋情,但是阿尼亚斯身负重任,他必须率领经过希腊人浩劫之后存活下来的特洛伊人,前往意大利重新建立国家,于是阿尼亚斯不得不放下他和狄多女王之间的爱情,继续他的复国计划;由于先前狄多女王已经对阿尼亚斯投入了很深的感情,所以在阿尼亚斯坚持离去之后,专情的狄多女王也只有选择殉情的方式,表达她的悲伤。
主演:Vladimir Seguin 阿丽斯·德·朗克桑 诺埃米·施米特 Aurore Déon Manuel Severi
简介:In a single unbroken shot, Roaring 20's gives viewers the chance not only to travel to Paris, but to live a day in the life there during the COVID-19 pandemic.
简介:24 hours in the most haunted places in France. A new kind of ghost show that's already set to become the new standard in mockumentary-type French series.
简介:Two housewives discuss philosophical themes (actually an updated dialogue of Plato and Socrates) while doing the house work, the husband of one of them rehearses his part in a play (reading a 20th century philosophical text about totaliarism) at the theat