简介:"O Assalto ao Trem Pagador" is a classic of the Brazilian Cinema. Based on a true event, indeed one of the boldest heist in the Brazilian history, the film is very impressive even in the present days. The accuracy and realism of the scenes recal
主演:阿尔曼度·巴拜欧伏 玛里亚娜·希梅内斯 Áurea Maranhão Daniel Volpi 凯撒·特龙科索
简介:Hermano, a successful doctor and enthusiastic rock climber, is planning to climb an almost invincible mountain in the Tierra del Fuego, when he discovers that his wife Adri is pregnant. Though Adri desires this unexpected pregnancy, Hermano is a bit reluc
简介:纽约市市长约翰(阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)为人成熟老练,处事圆滑,是政坛当中的一把好手。副市长凯文(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)尽管资历尚欠,但凭借着一腔热血和年轻气盛,亦将自己的事业经营得风生水起,在这一老一少两人的完美配合之下,纽约这座繁华的城市每日都显得如此生机勃勃。某日,发生了一起意外事件。在警方和毒贩的交火中,一名无辜的黑人男孩不幸中弹丧生。这起敏感的事件在城市里掀起了轩然大波,各路媒体争相报道,支持和反对的声音层出不穷,各占风头。凯文决心调查这起事故的真相,却发现其
简介:杰贝兹(亚历克·鲍德温 Alec Baldwin 饰)是一名男装推销员,在艰难维生的同时亦没有放弃成为作家的梦想。可是,上帝似乎无意眷顾这个努力的可怜人,他不仅因为种种意外而丢掉了工作,呕心沥血撰写的手稿也遭到了出版商丹尼尔(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)的否定,更糟糕的是,他的好友朱利叶斯(丹·艾克罗伊德 Dan Aykroyd 饰)刚刚签下了高达19万美元的出版合同。垂头丧气的杰贝兹失去了一切,只剩一台破旧的打字机,他负气将打字机扔出窗外,却好巧不巧砸中了一个路过的老妇人,他
主演:Yakini Kalid Lana Lopes Raíssa Lopes Nã Maranhão Elis Menezes
简介:A group of young lesbians from São Paulo go on a beach trip. At the end of the year, the atmosphere is party, friendship and music. Caring for each other, they assume their bodies, their memories and their freedom.