简介:Play as one; think as one; win as one. The road to glory is walked as a pack. When the Mexicanine Republic becomes the host for the World Canine Cup, the coach has one chance to put together the best team in history; but the new warriors will have to lear
主演:Kathleen Battle Francisco Araiza Manfred Hemm Kurt Moll Luciana Serra
简介:埃及王子塔米诺(安德烈亚斯·施密特 Andreas Schmidt 饰)在临危受难之际得到了夜女王的拯救,夜女王将自己的女儿帕米纳的肖像拿给塔米诺看,美丽的帕米纳一下子就俘虏了王子的心。夜女王告诉王子,帕米纳被一位名叫萨拉斯特罗的男子给掳走了,如果王子能够将自己的女儿平安的带回来,就把帕米纳许配给他为妻,塔米诺欣然应允。实际上,萨拉斯特罗并非夜女王所说的那样十恶不赦,夜女王的丈夫在死前将女儿托付给他,交由他来管教,这一举动招致了夜女王的不满,于是设下了如此的计谋。在拯救帕米纳的途中,聪慧的塔米诺渐渐识破