主演:阿什·卡瑟伍德 Vanessa Burns Paul Fowles Ginette Gaskin Robert Nolan Llyane Stanfield Christian Lattman John C. Warwick Laura Collu Brent Maybrey Stephanie-Lynn Russell Richard Freitag Conor Walton Linda Matarasso
简介:Situações onde a busca da satisfação e da felicidade estão delimitadas, de um lado pela imagem de gozo que é vendida e formulada por um aparato que vai desde as revistinhas até a televisão, e por outro lado pela necessidade de ser engenhoso frente à crise
主演:Gillian Wetherald Rocky Keller Shaina Silver-Baird Mark Ettlinger Blair Anderson David Bacque Vanessa Gale Kris Hagen Natali Ioffe Jordan Kronis Kristen MacCulloch Marina Pratt Tamara Rambaran
简介:While struggling with the death of her mother and the loss of a privileged life, a frustrated young woman attempts to reclaim her happiness which she believes is attached to a beloved unicorn paddleboat that her father was forced to sell to her nemesis.
简介:In 2002, a German version of Charlie's Angels, Wilde Engel,was produced by the German channel RTL. The show was known as Anges de choc in French-speaking countries, and as Three Wild Angels in English-speaking ones.From Wikipedia-------------------