简介:伊森(马修·奈特 Matthew Knight 饰)向来贪玩没有责任心,父母不放心将小女儿珍妮(Ella Jonas Farlinger 饰)留给他照料,于是决定聘请一个保姆。就这样,一个名为莎拉(瓦妮莎·摩根 Vanessa Morgan 饰)的女孩介入到了伊森一家人的生活之中。莎拉虽然悉心照料着兄妹两人,但她时不时露出的怪异举动和飘忽不定的诡异行踪还是引起了伊森的怀疑。一天,伊森带着好友本尼(Atticus Dean Mitchell 饰)一起对莎拉进行了跟踪,并且震惊的发现,莎拉的真实身份,竟然是
简介:As a writer tries to finish his newest script, it becomes a story about the regrets that he has had in his life, about past wrong decisions, about his troubled relationship with his wife. Very quickly his imagined past slowly becomes as rich and real as h
简介:在加拿大安大略省一个以法语为主的澎堤池的小村庄,当地的灯塔广播电台不分昼夜放送着村中以及国内外发生的大事小情。格兰特·马奇(史蒂芬·麦克海蒂 Stephen McHattie 饰)和西德妮·布莱尔(丽莎·霍尔 Lisa Houle 饰)、劳瑞·安(乔治娅·雷利 Georgina Reilly 饰)分任电台的主持人和导播,小村内的生活平淡悠闲。一场大雪过后,村中的气氛却发生了翻天覆地的变化。不断有人狂性大发,化作嗜血如命的残酷丧尸,死亡数字节节攀升。格兰特等人很快发现,丧尸的病毒传染源竟来自电台,而传播的
简介:As a writer tries to finish his newest script, it becomes a story about the regrets that he has had in his life, about past wrong decisions, about his troubled relationship with his wife. Very quickly his imagined past slowly becomes as rich and real as h