简介:A young girl suffers from a mysterious illness that has left her paralyzed and terribly depressed. Her father has tried everything without success, and now searches for a boy to help save the young girl.
简介:当阿塞拜疆微图画家布约科从巴黎的一个艺术画廊回来后,有一段时间他的灵魂竟然出窍,经历了一种暂时的死亡。从那以后,死亡的阴影就完全掌控了他,他再也不能创作了。The film “Toranj” is a symbolic religious and spiritual work. The theme of the film is about a famous painter, who senses death at his doorstep after returning from an exhibit
主演:Abbas Pourahadi Jomeh Vafabakhsh Mehdi Javadi Mahmoud Vafabakhsh Shahla Darvishi
简介:Set on the sun-drenched southern coast of Iran, from which director Amir Naderi hails, "Harmonica" begins as a young boy receives a musical present from abroad. Fascinated and envious, his friends make him the leader of the pack, as they compete
主演:Nazir Afzal Bobbie Cheema Andy Craig Caroline Goode Banaz Mahmod Bekhal Mahmod Diana Nammi Joanne Payton Stuart Reeves Palbinder Singh Victor Temple
简介:This is a documentary film chronicling the brutal Honour Killing of Banaz Mahmod, a young British Kurdish woman in London, killed by her own family for choosing a life for herself.