简介:Dr. Michael Corday, a recent graduate of the Harvard Medical School, is the son of Dr. John Corday, an eminent New York City surgeon who has a tendency to continue to direct the lives of his grown children. The daughter, Fabienne, runs away from home and
简介:Stage star Carter DeHaven seemingly transforms himself into a series of silent-era screen stars including Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, Roscoe Arbuckle, Rudolph Valentino, Douglas Fairbanks, and Jackie Coogan.
简介:二十年代的美国处于经济萧条时期,失业率居高不下,工人受尽压榨,成为了大机器生产中的一颗螺丝钉。查理(查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin 饰)就是一个底层市民,他在一个机器隆隆的厂房里日以继夜地工作,以赚取微薄的收入。重复繁重的工作压得他喘不过气,他把人们的鼻子当成螺丝钉来拧,卷入流水线机器的皮带里,令人苦笑不得。查理尽管贫穷,但却很善良。他在路上搭救了流浪女,和她一起生活,家里破烂却又温馨。每次身无分文的查理为了找到吃的,都会故意犯事,以便进入监牢。光景一时间有了好转,流浪女成了歌舞红星,然而
简介:Updated version of "Tin Pan Alley" concerns two songwriters and their romantic entanglements with the pretty pair of sisters helping them plug their songs.