简介:Angela was 8 years old when the first McDonald's opened in East Berlin - Since then, she has been fighting against the curse of her generation: to be born "too late" at a time of global political depression. Coming from a family of activist
简介:十四岁的约翰从小就生长在修道院中,没有亲人,亦没有过去。一天,一位神秘的妇人安吉拉(玛利亚·若奥·巴斯托斯 Maria João Bastos 饰)找到了约翰,声称自己是他的亲生母亲,并且向约翰讲述了她曾经的故事。安吉拉是侯爵的女儿,她和伯爵之子席尔瓦(何塞·阿方索·皮蒙特尔 José Afonso Pimentel 饰)相爱,遭到了父亲的强烈反对。然而,叛逆的安吉拉并没有屈服,她腹中怀着席尔瓦的孩子,决定与其私奔。暴怒的侯爵派出杀手刺杀席尔瓦,甚至连安吉拉腹中的胎儿也不放过,幸运的是,安吉拉得到了一位
主演:马立克·兹迪 雷纳尔·戈麦兹 托马斯·夏布洛尔 奥利维埃·钱特里奥 Sébastien Chassagne Cosme Castro Maxence Tual Andrew Leland Rogers Nelson Camayo Edgar Duran 大卫·奥贾沃
简介:The story unfolds around the year 1860. Louis, a photographer, convinces the general of the French Army to send him to Mexico to photograph the colonial war that is ravaging the country. Once he is there, nothing goes as planned. Never in the right place