简介:《梦断影都》是一个黑色喜剧,故事讲述了1969年,24岁的学生Ike Vikar Jerome来到好莱坞,梦想进入电影圈,当时主流电影公司已经没落,独立电影正蓬勃新生。Jerome在自己的光头上纹有《郎心如铁》(A Place in the Sun)中蒙哥马利·克利夫特(Montgomery Clift)和伊丽莎白·泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)图案的刺青,这让他立刻引起了周围人的注意。从做设计师开始,Jerome逐渐成为一名成功的电影剪辑师,但最终,这场繁华的好莱坞之梦还是以悲剧收场。
简介:Saturday Night Live had its thirtieth season on the 2004-2005 television season on NBC. The thirtieth season began on October 2, 2004 and ended on May 21, 2005 with 20 episodes in all.Before the start of this season, Jimmy Fallon left the show. In the wa
简介:Saturday Night Live aired its thirty-first season in the 2005-06 television season on NBC. The season began on October 1, 2005, and ended on May 20, 2006, with 19 episodes in all. The season was cut one episode short due to the 2006 Winter Olympic Games.