简介:1941年的北非战场,英德两军激战正酣,英军节节败退。布兰保下士(Franchot Tone 饰)被坦克遗落,蹒跚进入埃及人法瑞德的女王酒店,而几乎同时,德意联军指挥部进驻此处。布兰保乔装酒店服务生达沃斯伺机逃脱,意外发现隆美尔元帅居然近在咫尺,而他所假扮的达沃斯更是德军间谍,布兰保决定留下以便探听德军补给计划的“五墓行动”详情,同时也对酒店的法国女招待姆丝(Anne Baxter 饰)产生情愫。不久女王酒店又迎来了一批英军俘虏,布兰保与对方取得联系并最终打探到“五墓行动”的真相,然而一直对姆丝有所企图
简介:Madeleine steals a string of pearls in Paris and uses US engineer Tom, who is driving on his vacation to spain, to get the pearls out of France, but getting the pearls, back from him prooves to be difficult without falling in love.
简介:A doctor's medical studies are threatened by his infatuation with a Chinese girl. The girl returns to China, but complications ensue when she runs into him in Nanking during a Japanese bombing raid.