简介:In 1904, Uncle Latsie comes to New York from Hungary with two little nieces, who immediately take to cafe dancing. In 1912 they're still at it, but to pay Uncle's card debts they decide to go into vaudeville. Singer Harry Fox, whom they meet en
简介:故事发生在第二次世界大战期间,蒂姆(泰隆·鲍华 Tyrone Power 饰)是当时负责运送邮件的飞行员,他和他的上司贝克(Donald Stuart 饰)同时爱上了名叫卡罗尔(贝蒂·格拉布尔 Betty Grable 饰)的歌女,上司和下属成为了情敌。在一次任务中,蒂姆和贝克要合作共同驾驶一架战斗机,哪知道两人在途中遭到了敌军的突袭,被迫降落到了海滩上,成为了俘虏。为了掩护贝克,蒂姆身受重伤,而卡罗尔则因为蒂姆的失约而对他产生了误会,转而投向了贝克的怀抱之中。可是,当蒂姆生死不明时,卡罗尔所表现出的焦
简介:莎斯(劳伦·白考尔 Lauren Bacall 饰)、洛可(贝蒂·格拉布尔 Betty Grable 饰)和宝拉(玛丽莲·梦露 Marilyn Monroe 饰)是三个性格迥异的女孩,她们唯一的共同点,就是都发着想要嫁给百万富翁,越上枝头变凤凰的美梦。这共同的梦想让她们空前的团结,彼此之间的友谊非常坚实。为了实现梦想,三个姑娘租下了位于丹蒙克的公寓,打算在那里举办婚姻联谊会,可是,三个月过去了,她们一个百万富翁都没有钓到,经济拮据的三人只得靠着变卖公寓里的家具来维持生计。终于,一个名叫杰迪(威廉·鲍威尔
简介:Songwriters Calhoun and Harrigan get Katie and Lily Blane to introduce a new one. Lily goes to England, and Katy joins her after the boys give a new song to Nora Bayes. All are reunited when the boys, now in the army, show up in England.
简介:Bessie and Winston "Slug" Winters are married coaches whose mission is to whip their college football team into shape. Just in time, they discover a hillbilly farmhand and his sister. But the hillbilly farmhand's ability to throw melons ena