主演:亚历山德拉·柯克洛娃 谢尔盖·科马罗夫 Vladimir Fogel Pyotr Galadzhev Porfiri Podobed Fred Forell
简介:A five-person team of gold prospectors in the Yukon has just begun to enjoy great success when one of the members snaps, and suddenly kills two of the others. The two survivors, a husband and wife, subdue the killer but are then faced with an agonizing di
主演:薇拉·马列茨卡娅 Vladimir Fogel 叶莲娜·佳普金娜 谢尔盖·科马罗夫 Anel Sudakevich 阿达·伏依茨克
简介:According to the "Aristokratische Enzyklopädie" one of the most important characteristics of the communist people it is that they like to do things as a "community" (as it happens with the screenplay of "Dom Na Trubnoy" writt
简介:15世纪初,俄罗斯动荡时期。著名圣像画家安德烈·卢布廖夫(安纳托里·索洛尼岑 Anatoli Solonitsyn饰)在大公的邀请下前往莫斯科为教堂作画,受到了贵族式的服务与对待。然而,卢布廖夫却身处在一个饱受鞑靼人铁蹄践踏和充满灾难残杀的悲惨时代。目睹了黎民百姓在大公暴政下的水深火热,卢布廖夫毅然离开教堂返回修道院。不久,卢布廖夫被迫再度回到莫斯科进行圣像创作。然而面对居民被无辜的残杀,教堂在战火中被无情的摧毁,卢布廖夫再次陷入艺术与现实巨大反差的质疑之中,拒绝继续作画。1423年,鞑靼人的军队终于被赶
简介:奥赛罗(谢尔盖·邦达尔丘克 Sergei Bondarchuk 饰)是骁勇善战的大将军,元老的女儿苔丝狄蒙娜(伊琳娜·斯科布采娃 Irina Skobtseva 饰)爱上了他,但因为奥赛罗是一名黑人,所以两人的婚事遭到了元老的反对。不愿意就此放弃这段感情的两人决定私定终身,这个秘密被一直嫉妒奥赛罗的旗官伊阿古(安德烈·波波夫 Andrei Popov 饰)给暗中偷听到了,于是伊阿古决定破坏这段姻缘。哪知道伊阿古的捣乱反而促成了这段婚事。伊阿古并没有善罢甘休,奥戴罗和苔丝狄蒙娜结婚之后,伊阿古通过伪造定情
简介:Russia, the Urals, the Civil War. The country is split, it is unclear who is behind the Reds, who - for whites. There is no right or guilty. Healthy, adult, beautiful men gladly fight each other to give wicked joy of blood and death. And the worst thing t