简介:After losing her job at an insurance company, Stella Williams wakes up in a hotel handcuffed to sexy firefighter Owen Michaels. Messages they left themselves the night before reveal that their lives are in danger. While on the run, flashbacks help Stella
主演:罗伦·荷莉 克里斯汀·莱曼 贾斯汀·路易斯 Brendan Penny 诺安·坚金斯 Siobhan Williams 卡梅隆·布莱特
简介:一部视角独特的罪案调查剧——一般的罪案调查剧要到每一集结尾才会揭晓罪犯的真实身份,但本剧每集一开始就会把受害人的身份和凶手的身份全都告诉观众。它并不以「谁干的」为看点,而是强调「为什么」。温哥华警察局命案侦探Angie Flynn(Kristin Lehman)每天都要面对「为什么」,她必须一点一点地拼凑一起案件中所有的相关线索——凶手和受害人因为什么而相关?凶手的作案动机是什么?观众将跟随Angie和她的调查组解开一个个谜团。来自《星际之门:宇宙》(Stargate Universe)的Louis F
简介:A freshman on campus discovers that the only way to be admitted into the sorority of her dreams is to seduce a nerdy introverted guy and film it. When the sorority "prank" goes viral, the ... See full summary. HD高清网 hdgaoqing.com提供