简介:电影剧情:李玉华自老父退休后成家中支柱,经邻居林炳介绍,到百货公司当售货员。玉华邂逅百货公司少东陈伟烈,二人共堕爱河。陈父门户之见甚深,加上王经理作崇,不但将玉华辞退,并逼伟烈立即与富家女结婚。玉华在暴雨中久侯伟烈不至,得了肺病;伟烈摆脱父到玉华家中,玉华为了伟烈的前程,佯称已移情于林炳。伟烈远走法国,玉华为生活所逼伴舞。一别两年,玉华病情更重,伟烈好友在舞厅遇到玉华,急将玉华的情况通知伟烈。伟烈深悔当年鲁莽,回港偕玉华治病,不再分离。外文名:My very own出品时间:1963年出品公司:光
简介:Chino, a thug but a deadly boxer, founds the One Kick Kung Fu School with his nephew, Nap. But the school is just a front for his gang of villains, and it seemed there would be no stopping them - until they kill an old boxer and trigger the hate inside on