简介:The title and subtitle of this French miniseries are "Six Times Two; Over and under the media". The "six" refers to the fact that there are six episodes; the "two" has a double meaning. Each of these episodes is a collaborati
简介:Chaque documentaire traite d'un cinéaste, voire d'une école cinématographique (la Nouvelle Vague...), ou d'une question particulière liée au cinéma (Critique et cinéma...). Le choix des réalisateurs, comme les questions abordées sont très e
简介:Jean-Luc Godard did not attend the world premiere of his new film, ADIEU AU LANGAGE (GOODBYE TO LANGUAGE), at Cannes. But instead, he sent a letter in motion to Gilles Jacob and Thierry Fremaux, the directors of the Festival.Made public the 21/05/2014.
简介:Jean-Luc Godard to receive Honorary AwardThe 2015 Swiss Film Honorary Award will go to Jean-Luc Godard, one of cinema’s true visionaries and a virtuoso in the art of film editing, whose avant-garde work has inspired, and continues to inspire, generations