简介:Dr. Martin Arrowsmith aspires to become a medical research scientist. When he impulsively marries nurse Leora Tozer, he instead decides to open a country medical practice in South Dakota to support his wife better than he could as a laboratory assistant.
简介:故事发生在1872年的伦敦,一间俱乐部中,一位名叫福格(大卫·尼文 David Niven 饰)的绅士打了一个没有人认为他能够获胜的赌,那就是在八十天内环游世界。之后,福格便带着随从巴斯帕图(莫莱诺·马里奥 Mario Moreno 饰)匆匆的上路了。他们首先来到了法国,然后途径西班牙,在欣赏了一场精彩的斗牛之后,两人辗转前往瑞士,而此时,尚不知情的两人却遭到了伦敦警方的怀疑,怀疑他们是一宗银行抢劫案的嫌犯。在印度,福格救下了出逃的公主奥达(雪莉·麦克雷恩 Shirley MacLaine 饰),后者亦
简介:Bandit leader Montero seeks vengeance against a wicked duke who is responsible for the death of his bride. On the duke's wedding day, he kidnaps the duke's new wife, the French Princess Marie, before the union can be consummated and carries her