简介:Long running BBC comedy show consisting of sketches and humourous musical routines involving the large Ronnie Barker and the small Ronnie Corbett. Most sketches involved both men, but occasionally only the one. Barker was excellent at fast talking and com
简介:Fletcher's doing five years for breaking and entering. He's quick witted and never short of a trick or two to make his life that little bit easier. Lennie Godber's his cellmate who Fletch often teases but also protects in a father-like way.
简介:Long running BBC comedy show consisting of sketches and humourous musical routines involving the large Ronnie Barker and the small Ronnie Corbett. Most sketches involved both men, but occasionally only the one. Barker was excellent at fast talking and com
简介:One series of seven single comedies featuring the many faces of Ronnie Barker. As well as highlighting Barker's extraordinary comic range (and providing an early screen outing for David Jason) the series was the genesis of not one but two much-loved