简介:1973年,美国导演JamesBridges以当年的哈佛法学院的实际情况,拍摄了一部名叫“ThePaperChase”的电影,中文翻译为《平步青云》。这部无论导演和演员阵容都并非豪华的电影在后来连续的几十年中,一直都被全美几乎每个法律系的学生视为“第一堂必修课”。Chase,翻译过来是“追击、追逐”的意思。The Paper Chase,简单直接就道破了法律中追逐缠夹的本性,却不知道为何被按上这么一个无甚相关的中文名字。也许在作者理解中,进入哈佛法学院攻读法律专业,就离光荣与梦想的美式好生活相差无几——
简介:The richest kid in the world, Richie Rich, has everything he wants, except companionship. While representing his father at a factory opening, he sees some kids playing baseball across the street. Richie wants to join in, but they don't want him aroun
简介:本片依据Howard Hughes的生平改编。 Howard Hughes出生于美国德州休士顿,18岁时,他继承父亲德州油井的财富,心怀电影梦想移居好莱坞。1926年他买入125家戏院的控制权,砸下数百万美金拍了实景空战史诗电影《地狱天使》,成为著名的制片人;1939年,他入主环球航空公司,他迅速使公司扭亏为盈,二战期间与美国军方合作,主持了蓝云杉飞机的发明和改进。
简介:This film illustrates the life and work of the American architect. We follow the development of his work and his turbulent family life amidst scandal and tragedy. Despite all the difficulties of his personal life, Wright rises above all and beats all the
简介:A biopic about the actor James Dean, whose stardom of the ultimate teenage rebel as well as the premature death made him a legend. His roles are depicted having much in common with his personal life, most notably the difficult relationship with his father