简介:这部已经拖了四年时间的「美国起源」题材迷你剧根据2007年出版的写实小说《Savage Kingdom: The True Story of Jamestown, 1607, and the Settlement of America》改编。1607年,从英国来到美洲大陆寻梦的探险者在弗吉尼亚的詹姆斯敦(Jamestown)建立了新殖民地,这是北美地区第一个英国定居点,美国的历史从此开始。到了1619年,原本荒凉的殖民地逐渐转变成一座新兴城镇,詹姆斯敦社区已经有模有样。但是在这12年间,这里只有男人。又
简介:Jamestown's first baby is born to Alice and Silas, delivered by slave Maria, who longs to escape and find her own children. Samuel is found dead, rendering Jocelyn and Mercy homeless until Verity takes them in. Yeardley is impressed by an intelligent
简介:麦茜·威廉姆斯在《权力的游戏》后首部主演剧集确定:她将出演天空台喜剧《两周后就死》(Two Weeks To Live,暂译)。该剧讲述不合群女孩Kim Noakes(威廉姆斯饰演)的父亲在她儿时不明不白死去,母亲把她送到了乡下。Kim过着隐居生活,并习得了一些极怪异的生存技巧。此后,Kim回到现实世界,想去完成一项秘密任务,致敬父亲的回忆。她在自己兄弟Dave的酒吧遇到了不擅长社交的Nicky,而在一个恶作剧成真后,三人发现自己面临险境:Kim手上多了一大袋偷来的现金,并且要逃离一群杀人黑帮和一群警察
简介:On a tireless quest to find meijubar.net his missing daughter Jody, Nelly will go to any length to uncover the truth and he'll discover more about himself and those around him than he could have ever imagined.