简介:史丹利库柏力克是走在时代前端的观察者、预言家。一九七一年改编自安东尼伯吉斯同名小说,以色泽浓郁瑰丽的未来场景,勾勒社会青年的失序状态,写下其艺术形式巅峰的不朽经典,但其中大量的暴力与色情场面,却也在当年引发出诸多争议。适逢《发条橘子》四十週年纪念,《从前有颗发条橘子……》请到男主角麦坎麦道威尔、遗孀克莉斯蒂安库柏力克等人,畅谈《发条橘子》诞生的经过与轶事,娓娓道来让主角唱着《万花嬉春》主题曲〈Singing In the Rain〉逞凶的灵感,以及导演当年亲自要求英国停止放映《发条橘子》的始末,并由社会
简介:This provocative and insightful film is the first in a series of documentaries that will reveal the secret knowledge embedded in the work of the greatest filmmaker of all time: Stanley Kubrick. This famed movie director who made films such as 2001: A Spac
主演:海利·乔·奥斯蒙特 Haley Joel Osment) 斯坦利·库布里克 Stanley Kubrick 裘德·洛 Jude Law
简介:This is a short piece about "Acting A.I." that can be found on the "Artificial Intelligence" DVD. It focusses on the character of "David" from the film, a young robot boy. It contains clips from the film, behind the scenes cl
简介:This documentary is followed around Jack Nicholson as he prepared for the "Here's Johnny!" scene and interviewed the actors about their relationship with Stanley Kubrick, the scripts and scene.