简介:A group of investigators finds murdered teenagers in a city collector. Unraveling this case step by step, the police faces an unconditional evil - a whirlpool of a big city, which sucks and destroys the weak - those whom no one loves and does not care for
简介:故事发生在遥远的未来,世界被分为光明和黑暗两派,黑暗一派野心勃勃想要控制人类毁灭地球,而光明一派则费尽心思,只为了保护他们赖以生存的家园。其中,裘洛(弗拉季米尔·弗多维琴科夫 Vladimir Vdovichenkov 饰)是黑暗世界的领头人物,此时的他策划了一个险恶的阴谋,制造了十分危险的新型武器,静待时机准备进攻。就在此时,代表光明世界的勇士马维(伊戈尔·别特连科 Igor Petrenko 饰)现身,他和裘洛曾是肝胆相照的搭档,如今却沦为彼此最大的对手。光明世界派来了克里斯汀娜(Anna Khod
简介:12-year-old Mitya Privalov dreams of drawing comics about superheroes. But the boy’s parents, robotics engineers, want him to follow in their footsteps. Mitya finds understanding and support where he did not expect: the A-112 robot-rescuer created by his