简介:June and Oscar are a married couple who live a comfortable-but-predictable life in suburban California. For years, they've had the same conversations, eaten the same meals, and taken vacations at the same rented lakehouse. But when June talks Oscar i
简介:杰克(David W. Ross 饰)在哥哥因车祸意外去世后一直留在美国,承担照顾嫂嫂和侄女的重任。当他的工作签证到期后,他做了任何同志可能会做的事:和Gay蜜艾丽(Jamie-Lynn Sigler 饰)结婚,以换取继续和家人一起生活的机会。可是当他遇到心动的异国男子 马洛(Maurice Compte 饰)后,他开始幻想属于自己的生活,原本平静的世界变得分崩离析,而艾丽也渐渐后悔当初做出的草率决定。移民局的家访提醒着杰克:他正面临被遣返的命运......由《外出就餐3》导演Glenn Gaylord