主演:拉迪雅·切丽尔 尼古拉斯·沙普泰拉 Dave Lumenta Heidy Trisiana Triswan Nazyra C. Noer
简介:兰纳小时候,她的父亲把她丢在了雅加达的动物园里,她是被这里的饲养员养大的。一个和长颈鹿、大象和河马为伴的年轻女孩对自己的未来会有什么幻想呢?兰纳幻想有一天,自己能和一个牛仔在一起,并且相伴到老。兰纳会和他一起,离开动物园,到外面的世界好好看看。但是,牛仔来的快,走的也快。一阵风一样的魔法之后,牛仔就消失不见了。孤苦的兰纳只有孑然一身地呆在现实世界里。兰纳真的离开了动物园,她在一家SPA馆里做了女性...华裔印尼导演艾德温曾凭借处女作《失明的猪也想飞》(Blind Pig Who Wants To Fl
简介:“Ada apa dengan Cinta?”片名“一語雙關”,Cinta可以指“愛情”,也可以是指劇中的女主角Dian Sastrowardoyo飾演Cinta“愛”(張愛玲、李英愛的“愛”)。片名用英語來譯名“What's up with Love?”最恰當不過。影片中描述了少女“愛”Cinta情竇初開,愛上冷漠如冰的 Rangga,所以就說“愛”怎麼了?“愛”到底發生了什事?名為Cinta的高中女生是一位幸福的中產階級少女,他與四位女同學情同姊妹,全都是校刊社的重要成員。但其中一位Aly
简介:Soe Hok Gie is an activist who lived in the sixties. Set in the darkest era of Indonesian modern history, GIE is an interpretation of what happened based on his journal. He is a history student when his world stretches between politics and personal life.
简介:A woman left her husband. She nimbly went down the rocky cliff and then ran into the rolling waves. Her bloody bare feet were splashing in the seawater. People whispered about the wife leaving her husband is a normal thing. Like a game of hide and seek, e