简介:在隔离的索马福里精神诊所的围墙后面,哈尔.莱格兰医生正在试验他的“心理治疗法”。这是一种用来释放病人压抑的情绪有争议的治疗方法,他把他的明星病人娜勒隔离起来,但是当她在治疗过程中变得愤怒的时候,愤怒杀手加害了诊所外面的无辜的人们,莱格兰的方法和这些恐怖的谋杀之间有什么关系?答案将释放新的绝对的恐怖! 国际影坛最富争议性、最成功的导演之一。一九七五年的处女作〈THEY C
简介:A twisted scientist Uses reptilian DNA from a lizard-like monster to grow back his severed arm, and get revenge on a genetics corporation that tries to steal his formula. The results: a army of severed arms! This movie rocks! It stars Oliver reed (Gladiat
简介:Young Jim Hawkins, while running the Benbow Inn with his mother, meets Captain Billy Bones, who dies at the inn while it is besieged by buccaneers led by Blind Pew. Jim and his mother fight off the attackers and discover Billy Bones' treasure map for
简介:In Spain a cruel and arrogant Marques is wedding a young and beautiful maiden. During the elaborate celebration a beggar appears. After making yuankan.cc fun of him, the marques gives the beggar some food and then has him thrown in the dungeon.The beggar