简介:"This Earth Is Mine"的拍摄地即是今日的Rubicon Estate卢比肯酒庄,其间还有酒园工人在里面客串了一把路人甲。准确来说,较《杯酒人生》而言,该片来说要更注重了葡萄酒在里面的戏份。这部美国禁酒令颁布后所拍摄的道格拉斯·塞克式风格的情景剧,未曾通过录像带或DVD发行,但可在市面上买到盗版碟,某些电视台的电影频道也偶有播出。影片中,近70来岁的克劳德.雷恩斯饰演一位纳帕谷里一个家族的大家长,他一直坚持着每年都酿出优质葡萄酒,尽管那时公开售酒是犯法的。他的孙子哈德
简介:In 1916, beautiful young mute Helen is a domestic worker for elderly, ailing Mrs. Warren. Mrs. Warren's two adult sons, Albert (a professor) and womanizing impudent Steven, also live in the Warren mansion. Mrs. Warren becomes concerned for Helen'
主演:伯特·兰卡斯特 埃德蒙·戈温 多萝西·麦克吉尔 米勒德·米切尔 迈纳·沃森 霍华德·圣约翰 休·桑德斯 James Millican
简介:The Skipper is a charming old man loved by all his neighbors. What they don't know is that he is also Mr. 880, an amateurish counterfeiter who has amazingly managed to elude the Secret Service for 20 years.