简介:After a terrible accident, a psychatrist has to help Bruce to regain his memory. In flashbacks we learn that his family had to flee from New York after his father uncovered a large case of corruption. Bruce didn't know this for most of his life, unti
简介:L. Frank Baum的经典童话小说《The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 奥兹国的魔法师》不仅在欧美家喻户晓,就是在中国,也轰动一时,给很多人的童年留下了美好的回忆。在我国上映时,该作品名称译作《绿野仙踪》,沿用至今。《绿野仙踪》是Baum最为著名、艺术成就最高的一部著作,是美国人自己创作的第一部长篇童话,是世界儿童文学的瑰宝。它一经出版即受到了读者的热烈欢迎,连续两年高居童书畅销榜的首位,并以轻歌剧、电影、动画片等多种艺术形式在全世界广泛传播。1939年,好莱坞将《绿野仙踪》改编成
简介:TNT正式宣布预订新剧《Murder in the First》,订数为10集。该剧主要描述发生在旧金山的神秘谋杀案。一起因毒瘾而引发的谋杀案看似普通,但随后的警方调查、疑犯逮捕和庭审过程却引出更多秘密。旧金山警署命案侦探Terry Seagrave(Taye Diggs)和Hildy Mulligan(Kathleen Robertson)在承办该案过程中发现受害人与硅谷神童Erich Blunt(Tom Felton)存在某种可疑的关联。Blunt是一个狂妄自信的科技天才,年纪轻轻就已经取得非凡成就,
简介:Season three kicks off for Homicide Inspectors Terry English and Hildy Mulligan when an all-star quarterback is murdered in the middle of a crowded club in front of his pop star girlfriend. D.A. Mario Siletti and his wife are involved in a tragic car acci