简介:波洛侦探(大卫·苏切特 David Suchet 饰)接到了莱蒙太太(保琳·莫兰 Pauline Moran 饰)的电话,邀请他去她家里做客。莱蒙太太的丈夫是国防部官员,他邀请了名为乔安娜(Carmen du Sautoy 饰)的女人去家中小住。莱蒙太太对这个女人的印象极为糟糕,她坚信她正在策划一个阴谋,一个同国家机密息息相关的阴谋。拗不住莱蒙太太的坚持,波洛勉强赴约。让大家都没有想到的是,当晚,一份机密文件不翼而飞,乔安娜则成为了最大嫌疑人。当所有人都将矛头指向乔安娜的时候,波洛发现了事件的漏洞,他坚
简介:While on a Mediterranean cruise, Poirot is asked to investigate the murder of one of the passengers, Mrs. Clapperton who is found stabbed in the chest in her stateroom. She was somewhat haughty and generally disliked by the other passengers. Her henpecked
简介:法利(阿兰·霍华德 Alan Howard 饰)是当地非常有名的馅饼生产商,性格傲慢的他在社交圈里树敌不少。一天,波洛侦探(大卫·苏切 David Suchet 饰)收到了法利的来信,要求同他见面。法利告诉波洛自己每夜都在重复同一个噩梦,梦中,他总是于十二点二 八分这个时间点吞枪自尽。这个梦让法利感到非常的焦虑,甚至怀疑自己是不是中了催眠术。波洛当然不相信这种怪力乱神的说法,但对于法利的经历也没有更好的解释。让他没有想到的是,法利竟然真的在不久之后死去了,所有的迹象都表明这是一场自杀。直觉告诉波洛,一切
简介:Hercule Poirot is bored to tears and with three weeks since his last case, is worried that his little gray cells will stop working. Captain Hastings suggest a evening at the theater to see the latest murder mystery but even that doesn't help when Poi
简介:Poirot and his friend Captain Hastings find themselves investigating the murder of Count Foscatini, who was found in his flat. As it turns out, the dead man's valet, Mr. Graves, has been dating Miss Lemon and has been less than honest with her about