简介:Twelve Goldendoodles take over the household, including the bed of of their piggy housemate, Trouble. A Westie pup tries to keep up with her twin brother who is always wandering off. And a batch of Swiss Mountain puppies take a while to find their stride.
简介:Three adorable litters of puppies come of age. The first few months of these Pugs, Mini-Australian Shepherds and Rottweillers' lives will be filled with adventure, including an introduction to the agility course and a lesson in duck-herding!
主演:Ken Gruz Marvin Hunter Dennis Jordan Caron Tate Brian Costantini Bill Sanders 亨利斯·特罗齐尔 Lois Evans Richard Foster Linda Caryl Chambers Sarah Rush Joanne Bauer Laurie Nettles Sherrie Valero
简介:It consists of only nine ten minute segments. Each shot/sequence was filmed only once in 35mm film with direct sound. The complexity and ground breaking originality of these shots has obtained widespread international acclaim.
简介:1962年10月14日,一则由飞临古巴上空U-2侦察机所拍摄照片中透露的情报信息,引发了一场当时世界两大超级大国美国与苏联之间的空前危机。美国情报官员在这组情报资料中发现,苏联正在距离佛罗里达不到150公里的古巴首都哈瓦那西南的圣克利斯托瓦尔修建基地,部署中短程导弹和运 载核武器的伊尔-28重型轰炸机,这些导弹足以摧毁全美各大城市并且造成重大伤亡。全美上下陷入极度恐慌之中,也将整个世界推向了核灾难的边缘。总统约翰·肯尼迪(布鲁斯·格林伍德 Bruce Greenwood 饰)和其弟罗伯特·肯尼迪(斯蒂文·