主演:乔丹·托多西 萨曼莎·温斯坦 Rudy Novak Corina Bizim Kyal Legend Marlaina Andre
简介:The bond between two teen-aged girls - one popular, one not - is tested and brought to a crisis point when an intimate moment between them is caught on video, going viral through their school. Terrified of losing her status, popular Brooke turns on Charli
简介:1968年的《天罗地网》(The Thomas Crown Affair)即将再次被翻拍,这次米高梅公司打算邀请黑人演员迈克尔·B·乔丹(Michael B. Jordan)来出演男一号,而这个角色之前分别由史蒂夫·麦昆(Steve McQueen)和皮尔斯·布鲁斯南(Pierce Brosnan)扮演过。《天罗地网》的故事并不复杂:一名亿万富翁为了好玩,策划了一起盗窃案;一名保险公司的调查员怀疑到他,于是展开一场猫鼠游戏。最后这名富翁大盗爱上了女调查员。在1968年版本中,富翁和调查员分别由史蒂夫·
简介:For those familiar with Bram Stoker's novel, this adaptation follows the book quite closely in most respects. Jonathan Harker visits the Count in Transylvania to help him with preparations to move to England. Harker becomes Dracula's prisoner an
简介:在一个平静的夜晚,面目狰狞的德里克(麦克·切克里斯 Michael Chiklis 饰)带领两名跟班,手持枪械闯入查理(史蒂芬·朗 Stephen Lang 饰)所经营的咖啡餐馆。此时这里三三两两坐着几名正享受夜晚宁静时光的客人,突如其来的变故让他们惶恐异常。求财心切的 匪徒得知咖啡馆的时间锁保险柜必须等到午夜12点才能打开,虽然气急败坏却也只能勉强等待。就在此时,巡警威尔(福里斯特·惠特克 Forest Whitaker 饰)走入餐馆。这名经验丰富的警察敏锐发觉店内的诡异气氛,只是威尔的心中似乎也藏着什