简介:A young Indian man relocates to 1970s Chicago to become an engineer, but when his job falls through, resorts to an elaborate charade with misfit friends in order to woo his childhood sweetheart.
简介:Wilhelm Wilder (Will) is a talented actor stuck on a New York City children's TV show where he portrays Bad Luck Bunny, a hapless green rabbit. Feeling a failure, he bears his fate with touching self-irony, but grows sulky and petulant when he thinks
简介:Greendale社区大学迎来新学期,由Jeff(乔尔·麦克哈尔 Joel McHale 饰)带领的学习小组“格林七侠”又回到校园。众人都很期待,有一个人却对开学感到惶恐,那就是Britta。在上一季里,Jeff和Britta暧昧了一整个学期,Britta终于在期末舞会上公开对Jeff示爱,后者却逃之夭夭,这让二人陷入尴尬的境地。与此同时,Jeff和Annie的关系也变得暧昧不清。 Jeff将如何平衡他们的关系?新学期伊始,学习小组相约选了人类学课,主讲老师却不是他们所想的那么容易糊弄。曾为西班牙语老师
简介:一次偶然中,蓝妹妹(黛米·洛瓦托 Demi Lovato 配音)发现了一张遗落的地图,指引向一座神秘的村庄。为了求证村庄存在的真实性,蓝妹妹和好友聪聪(丹尼·普迪 Danny Pudi 配音)、健健(乔·曼根尼罗 Joe Manganiello 配音)、笨笨(杰克·麦克布瑞尔 Jack McBrayer 配音)一起踏上了旅途。 一路上,初出茅庐的四人组遭遇了无数的危险,
简介:A self-anointed 'renegade' male flight attendant must save the day when the airline he works for tries to eliminate flight attendants as a cost-cutting measure