简介:高中自然课女教师杰西卡(金·贝辛格 Kim Basinger 饰)被绑架了,幸好歹徒囚禁她的地方放置有一部老式的拨号电话。杰西卡慌乱之中随便拨了一个号码进行求救,她的求救电话打到了小伙子瑞恩(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)的手机上。瑞恩一开始以为是恶作剧,但随后歹徒发现了杰西卡在向外求救,砸坏了电话。听到歹徒的吼叫和杰西卡惊呼,瑞恩才意识到事态严重。杰西卡在歹徒走后利用她的自然课知识重新拼装好了电话,重新和瑞恩取得了联系。通过她的讲述,瑞恩得知歹徒很快就会对她的丈夫和儿子下毒手,而杰西卡连自
简介:This is one of seven major propaganda films made by the Department Of Defense during World War II, and it's directed by Frank Capra. In this installment of the "Why We Figh
简介:After killing an unknown man for an unknown reason, a mysterious drifter turns himself to the law under a false name, intending to protect his own family's honor. But when the news of his conviction breaks, the drifter's sister considers the pos